Contribueix / Contribute

Estem encantats de tenir-vos a tots reunits per celebrar el nostre dia especial. La vostra presència és el millor regal que podríem demanar i compartir aquest moment amb vosaltres significa tot per a nosaltres. Si desitgeu contribuir a la nostra història de qualsevol manera, estarem increïblement agraïts. Sigui com sigui, la vostra presència és realment el que més ens importa. El vostre amor i suport ho significa tot mentre ens embarquem en aquesta aventura junts. Gràcies per ser part de les nostres vides i per fer el nostre dia de casament encara més memorable.

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We are overjoyed to have all of our loved ones gathered to celebrate with us on our special day. Your presence is the greatest gift we could ever ask for, and it means the world to us to share this moment with you. If you wish to contribute to our story in any way, we would be incredibly grateful. However, please know that your presence is truly what matters most to us. Your love and support mean everything as we embark on this journey together. Thank you for being a part of our lives and for making our wedding day even more memorable.